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Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 7:12 pm
by Martin
Peter suggested I should offer these Datapak Storage Magazines / Cassettes on line...

I've knocked up a couple and offer them here as a 'DIY Project' to forum members on a first come first served basis. If there is a demand I might be able to knock up a few more.

They are supplied 'flat pack' as shown in the assembly instructions (here). They are not for profit but I need to reimburse for the material, cutter and postage so I thought £4.00 should cover it.

If you are interested you can PM me and we'll get it together.

Sincerely and in good Faith

Re: Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:16 pm
by Zenerdiode
I saw this on one of your PSION videos, Martin :)

PM sent…

Re: Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:06 pm
by Daren
Very nice Martin!

These would look great sprayed Psion grey and the text infilled with yellow epoxy or similar. When I get one I will try it.

Re: Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:27 am
by Bumblemittens
Very nice Martin, I 3d printed something similar some time ago when I found out data packs don't Jenga very well, Shaun

Re: Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:26 am
by raptornet
I recently received one of Martins storage magazines, just thought I'd leave a little review :D

In a nut shell, they are great! Before cutting the pieces off their spruces, make sure you have a cutting mat or some sort of thick material underneath, otherwise you'll wreck your counter top. This is especially important if like me you are doing DIY in the kitchen and don't wish to trigger "wife rage", this can be very bad for your health and in some case cause loss of limbs :lol:

I did accidently snap part of mine, but luckily it was in a place that's hidden from view once construction is completed. This wasn't down to bad design but more user error and not following the instructions properly.

Considering I previously had my datapaks scattered across all four corners of my desk drawer, this storage solution is a blessing. At last all my paks are together in a single spot, not to mentioned when I travel with my Psion2, the paks won't be rolling around in my rucksack like a bunch of loose marbles Hurray!

Re: Datapak Storage Magazine

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:32 pm
by 1333david
Thanks for the review. I use various random plastic containers to store my datapaks but was reading that back in the day some people used cassette tape boxes. So I ventured into the loft and found some old cassette boxes. They neaty hold 3 datapaks and the index cards could be used to note the contents of packs.

Cassette Tape Boxes

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:24 am
by Martin
Dave.. I think the cassette tape doxes storage option was a topic on Boris's 'yellow' forum somewhere (here) of which of course we were all members so that might be where we read it. I've been using them to archive my packs ever since. Strangely I can get 4 packs in a C60 cassette case.. if your getting 3 could you be using video 8 camcorder cassette cases? (front left below)

For others using this storage option for the first time you might need to 'cut out' the anti spool tabs on the lid and the clear ones make it easier to see the datapaks.
Pack Contents
You are right about some sort of 'index' to keep tracks of what each pack contains, especially for CM/XP users who's built in file directory options are limited.

Jaap lists a few utilities that are useful.
Filedir by Chris Lawrence Lists all data files on all packs.
Files by Dave Woolnough is a File examination utility.
MDir 3.0 by Peter Houppermans is very impressive - Creates a list of contents of all files on the Organiser.
Xfiles by Jaap is a File utility similar to the XFiles option of the LZ.

For XP users I've combined some of these file utilities along with other 'info' routines onto the single xpTOOLS datapak - free for any member with a spare 32K datapak. This is particularly useful for those members without a comms link and want to know what's on their packs.

Sincerely and in good faith