Included is the contents of the Assembler & Debugger v1.2 03-98 Floppy Disk. I'm out of my depth with this so if anyone wants to take a look and comment I'd be able to add those comments to the feedback to Martin.
To wet your appetite this is the contents page of the read_me_doc
Code: Select all
RELEASE V1.2 DATE: 1st February 1988
Files included on this disk:
README.DOC This Document
XA.EXE Assembler
XA.MAN Assembler manual
DBORG.EXE Organiser debugger
DBORG.MAN Organiser debugger manual
DBBOOT.BIN Binary file used by DBORG
DBMAIN.BIN Binary file used by DBORG
OSHEAD.INC The main header, includes macros, equ's and #defines
SWI.INC Include all the SWI's
OSVARS.INC Includes all the operating systems variables
OSEROR.INC Includes all the operating system errors
DICT.SRC Example of assembler code
XDICT.SRC As DICT but with a 6 byte header to make it a .BIN
BOOT.SRC The source code for making a pack bootable
I look forward to receiving your comments, especially in regard to if this information is archived elsewhere.
Sincerely and in good faith Martin Reid
PS there are a lot of Martins that have Psion's