256K RAM Packs

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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:54 pm

256K RAM Packs

Post by amenjet »

I have four (well definitely two and probably four when I have fixed them all) 256K RAM packs that I have recently built. They unfortunately have a PCB fault that means I have to add a wire or two to the board before it works properly. I don't want to put these up for sale due to the extra wires and the possible unreliability. I am happy for them to go into the loan pool so that people can have a look at them and try them out. They should be exactly like the ones with correct PCBs in every way except the extra fragility.

These are bare PCBs, with no case. It is possible to use them with no case, or they can be put into normal datapack cases after some material has been removed from the case to allow for the battery holder PCB and the datapack connector.
I don't have many datapack cases, but having read what I just wrote, maybe it is better that I use some of the cases from EPROM packs for these loan devices so that people don't have to mess about with cutting material?

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Re: 256K RAM Packs

Post by okto »

I’d like one to test out, at the very least so I can modify my CAD model of the Pak case to accommodate the battery holder. Have access to a full electronics lab, so assembly won’t be a problem. I’ll DM you.
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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:00 pm

Re: 256K RAM Packs

Post by thesourcerer »

The 256k ram packs are now listed on eBay.
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