
Use this section to discuss existing Organiser hardware
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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:00 pm


Post by thesourcerer »

I’ve just acquired a P432 with a normal keyboard, the first one I have ever seen! It is worth noting that Jaap doesn’t appear to have had one in his collection. Jaap only has a picture of the alphanumeric version which I have had in the past, but they are useless because of the keyboard configuration. I did try to modify one with a normal keyboard, but the Rom is not configured for a normal keyboard on the alphanumeric version.
They must be extremely rare. Although they were produced for commercial use and quite a quantity must have been made, I suspect that like other P versions they were simply ditched because they could not be used as is. Most people would not realise that they could be simply booted by a software fix.
This one appears brand new and unused.
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