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Post by amenjet »

I thought I'd start a topic to put progress on the NewOPL into.

The latest version:

has just run example 4 in the 'Language' section of the technical manual.

This doesn't mean it's nearly finished, as the code implements only what is needed to run this example. It does, however:

Load procedure XXX onto a stack
Execute procedure XXX which itself:
Loads procedure EX4 onto the stack as well
Executes procedure EX4 which
Writes a value to global J$ (which is defined in XXX, so the stack frames have to be traversed to find J$)
Exits and the stack is unwinds
XXX continues and also exits

The OPL:

Code: Select all

                GLOBAL J$(3)

Code: Select all

                LOCAL A$(5)
                GLOBAL B,C%(3),D$(5)
This involves quite a lot of stack manipulation and also procedure loading. This is all quite complicated and I now know more about it than I ever thought I would.
The code also runs the original QCodes. I translated the OPL for the example in Jape and the executables on Linux run those files unchanged. The stack also matches the example almost exactly (there are some differences which I think are either typos or changes in code from when the example was made to the translator I used). So it's pretty much byte compatible.

If you want to run it (it dumps a lot of debug at the moment), then clone the newopl repo then:

Code: Select all

cd newopl/pc
./newopl_exec ../examples/XXX.OB3
this will build the executables and then run example 4. XXX.OB3 is the example procedure. It loads from the file system at the moment and will load the next procedure as required. The output is debug messages and machine states at various stages of execution. The code is fairly tidy.

the result is fairly uninteresting, but correct:

Code: Select all

Stack reset
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFF
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFE
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFD
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFC
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFB
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EFA
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EF9
push_machine_8:pushing 00 to 3EF8
===  Exit ====
3EFF: 00 .
3EFE: 00 .
3EFD: 00 .
3EFC: 00 .
3EFB: 00 .
3EFA: 00 .
3EF9: 00 .
3EF8: 00 .
That's an empty stack with a floating point zero on it. At least I'm pretty sure that's correct.

I have arranged the code so it works on 'machines'. A machine is an OPL runtime, I did this so you could run multiple machines at once in the future without too much work...

There's lots to do, but the core of the runtime (loading procedures and executing qcodes) is largely there. Lots more qcodes to implement...
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

Something a bit more accessible:

Code: Select all



$ ./newopl_exec ../examples/PRNT1.OB3

Gives the output:

Code: Select all

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Re: NewOPL

Post by MartinP »

Looks great, but your NewOPL repo does not seem to be publicly accessible.
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

Hopefully its back again...

I've started the translater and got it generating some text from OPL programs that should be convertible into qcode moderately easily.
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NewOPL - Documentation

Post by Martin »

Hi Andrew

So you don't think this work is falling on 'deaf ears'. I'm working through the (notes) language.txt.. Then I'll work through the examples.

You mention 'fixing up' variables.. Is this the same as 'initialising' from our basic days?

There is a lot of work in just documenting what you are doing never mind the actual coding.


This process is referred to as "fixing up" the variables.
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

I'm going to carry on whatever, I think. It's an interesting language and very much more advanced than BASIC. It's more of a compiled language than a simply translated one.

Fixing up is the process of filling in the length bytes for strings and arrays in the just zeroed variable space. The variables are all zeroed at initialization but there's a few bytes that need to be non zero, that's what fixup does.

I think I nearly have skeleton code for the translator and the runtime. The obj dump is pretty good too and can dump organiser created ob3 files. The translator can't generate qcode yet but gets to an intermediate for that is close. I'm trying to get the typing of expressions correct at the moment.

Still quite a bit to do
Last edited by amenjet on Mon Nov 04, 2024 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

It turns out that I had quite a bit of work to do on the skeleton translator as I needed to completely rewrite the auto type conversion code. That now seems to be more or less working.
The translator now converts all OPL statements from infix expression format to RPN format. It then 'executes' the RPN in order to build a tree that it uses to insert auto conversion codes into the expression where needed.

For example:

Code: Select all

UDG(1, 2. 1.3, 4,   5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
translates (with a lot of debug info) to:

Code: Select all

(dump_exp_buffer2) N1 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 1  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N2 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 2  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N3 EXP_BUFF_ID_FLT          f rq:f 1.3  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N11 EXP_BUFF_ID_???          v rq:v autocon f->i  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N4 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 4  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N5 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 5  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N6 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 6  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N7 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 7  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N8 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 8  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N9 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 9  0:
The UDG requires none integers, and in this example the N3 float is converted to an integer before being processed by the UDG function.


B = 1 * ( 2 + A )

translates to:

Code: Select all

(dump_exp_buffer2) N1 EXP_BUFF_ID_VARIABLE     f rq:f B  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N2 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 1  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N8 EXP_BUFF_ID_???          f rq:f autocon i->f  2: 5 2
(dump_exp_buffer2) N3 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 2  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N6 EXP_BUFF_ID_???          f rq:f autocon i->f  2: 4 3
(dump_exp_buffer2) N4 EXP_BUFF_ID_VARIABLE     f rq:f A  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N5 EXP_BUFF_ID_OPERATOR     f rq:f +  2: 4 3
(dump_exp_buffer2) N7 EXP_BUFF_ID_OPERATOR     f rq:f *  2: 5 2
(dump_exp_buffer2) N9 EXP_BUFF_ID_OPERATOR     f rq:f :=  2: 7 1
This final code should be fairly straightforward to convert to QCode. that's the plan, anyway.
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NewOPL UDG function

Post by Martin »


Code: Select all

UDG(1, 2. 1.3, 4,   5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Again I'm running out of talent here but I assume you put the extra space between the 4, and the 5 to see how the translator would handle it.

I tried it on my Organiser - the 2. will not translate because of the missing comma and of course the UDG function doesn't use brackets.

I'm still trying to keep up
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

Ah, yes, that missing comma is a typo. The spaces were just to make the multiple UDG statements in my test file line up... They are ignored though.

The brackets round the arguments make it a sub expression, commas separate sub expressions as well, but I missed the lack of brackets around the UDG statement. It looks like there really are functions and statements, so back to the drawing board again for a bit...
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Re: NewOPL

Post by amenjet »

OK, sorted that I think. I've put a simple recursive descent parser in front of the RPN expression processing. If anyone's interested.

So, lines are:

Code: Select all

// blank
// comment
// LOCAL <varlist>
// GLOBAL <varlist>
// <variable> = <expression>
// <command> <expression>*
// <expression>
The handling of <variable>, <command> etc is now done with the recursive descent parser, expressions are converted to RPN.

UDG 10, 202.76, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

now converts to:

Code: Select all

(dump_exp_buffer2) N1 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 10  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N2 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N3 EXP_BUFF_ID_FLT          f rq:f 202.76  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N19 EXP_BUFF_ID_AUTOCON      v rq:v autocon f->i  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N4 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N5 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 30  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N6 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N7 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 40  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N8 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N9 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 50  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N10 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N11 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 60  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N12 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N13 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 70  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N14 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N15 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 80  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N16 EXP_BUFF_ID_SUB_START    U rq:i   0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N17 EXP_BUFF_ID_INTEGER      i rq:i 90  0:
(dump_exp_buffer2) N18 EXP_BUFF_ID_FUNCTION     v rq:v UDG  0:

I've also added a simple RPN to infix translator which can take my internal codes and turn them back to the infix form that the original expression was in. This is a sort of REVTRAN, and it looks like it wouldn't be too hard to do it from QCode.

The above expression and the infix output from the RPN is therefore:

UDG 10, 202.76, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
UDG(10 202.76 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 )

You can use brackets in the UDG command or not with this translator.
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