Yes, the same white OLED display. there's actually a few colours available and it's a simple swap as the connection is a flexi cable.Martin wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:38 pm Hi Andrew
A couple of questions..
What screen are you using? I still like the white LED that was on your first iteration.
Is it still planned to 'dump' the RAM to SDCard on power down?
I'm happy to donate to the development costs but can't take a board as I don't have the skills to build it into a case.
On the emulated recreation i did run the A: drive in RAM. That was then dumped in a few seconds to a couple of serial EEPROM devices, and was then immune to battery removal as it's a zero power storage device. On the C based version I have re-implemented the filing system and that works really well in flash, so I have the equivalent of the A: drive in the internal flash of the Pio at the moment. That should work out of the serial EEPROMS directly, as well, so it's like having a flash pak built in instead of a RAM pack. You could also have a RAM pack if you wanted to, I just haven't. I don't see any reason why you couldn't use a file on an SD card either (or as well). These flash devices aren't hugely slow either as the devices are more modern and the Pico is faster. So, I'm not sure if a RAM disk is needed, but if it is it could be implemented and dumped to a non volatile device when needed. Of course, if you write directly to a flash device then you don't have to dump it anywhere.
As for the issue of cases, I'm sorry, but in my mind I had already planned to fit these PCBs in some CM cases that Peter sent me a while back. i just forgot when I wrote the post. So they would be fully cased versions. That's if Peter is happy with that? The CM is a good choice as its not as capable as the XP or LZ and so not really usable any more. One issue is USB connectivity. If that is needed then a part of the case needs ot be cut away to allow a connector to fit into the Pico. I have modified two cases like this but I don't really like it and will need to find some other way to get USB out. It may be possible to make a replica case, but that's a lot of work. You can program the firmware using SWD wires hanging out of the case and I've done that, or by taking the PCB out of the case, which is more of a fiddle. It's only 4 screws though so not too bad. Its not good for development so I don't do that.
Hopefully that clears things up.