Shift key behaviour

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Shift key behaviour

Post by amenjet »

I'm looking at how the keyboard works on the organiser while working through how some code would work, specifically the shift key behaviour. I wanted autorepeat, and was wondering what would happen to my design if I held down a key so auto repeat started, then pressed and released the shift key while auto repeat was still running. My code would have sent the shifted and unshifted keys matching when the shift key was pressed. I'm not sure if this is useful, but seems OK. i then wondered what the original psion Organiser does, and it has the same behaviour if you try it. I don't remember seeing this before. I then also tried this on my laptop and it does the same, which I never knew. I'm not sure if this is standard? (Or useful, really).
I tried a couple of other devices, including my phone and they don't auto repeat, which was a bit of a surprise.
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Re: Shift key behaviour

Post by Martin »

Hi Andrew and of course others watching..

How can I detect the shift key?

On the Tips, Tricks & Waffle! page of Dave Woolnough's org2 web site (here) - Jaap wrote a section How can I detect the shift key? - might be worth a read..

Sincerely Martin
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