This is what this section of the forum is for. To give members a heads up when other members are bidding. I like most people keep any eye on eBay 'just in case'. Then If I see something interesting I post here to see if any other member is bidding; to prevent me inflating the price. I can understand Peter not posting here for every item he bids on but I'm sure if he knows another forum member is bidding he won't.
I am interested to know how you figured who the other bidders are in your chart.
Whilst the users remain anonymous the feedback doesnt , so as you see I have not really identified individuals by name (well only a few) usually just allocate a colour
I am on that list and I have won the odd item and I also lost out to snipers at the end of the auction. At least one auction I lost to you in the last few seconds and some I have won in the last few seconds. Its all part of the fun to me and I only bid what I am willing to pay.
I use my Organiser nearly every day and I also collect all things retro, so you will probably see me bidding on many more items in the future. Its always great fun browsing through Datapaks and seeing what information is stored on them. It is like looking into the past.
I don’t actually take any notice of other bidders, unless someone has mentioned it on here (and even then I am prone to forget). I have quite a strict limit on items since it is for profit (in most cases). There is always a risk with items e.g. someone will describe an organiser as fully working but when I get it it has a capacitor whine or missing screen pixels etc. Some people think my Organisers are expensive, but that is the market value, and as everyone knows (I hope) everything I sell is guaranteed and in excellent condition unless otherwise stated. I think my feedback demonstrates that on eBay.
It is quite interesting and I certainly don’t mind my name on it. I tend to bid early on a limit, but sometimes I do snipe in the last few seconds (moreso with coins than Psions)!
quote=thesourcerer post_id=1183 time=1719476851 user_id=73]
. Some people think my Organisers are expensive, but that is the market value, and as everyone knows (I hope) everything I sell is guaranteed and in excellent condition unless otherwise stated. I think my feedback demonstrates that on eBay.
The items I bought from you are as described and I have no complaints.